Monday, Feb. 24th
Summer Registration Begins
From red blood cells to blue whales, irises to giant sequoias, and DNA to the creatures of the deep sea, our beautiful planet is full of life. One might think with the hundreds of thousands of years of human existence, our species would know everything there is to know about all living things on Earth. But with new advances in technology that have caused a vast expansion of our understanding of biology, we’re just starting to scratch the surface of the previously unknown.
The Department of Biology at MSU Denver teaches courses that cover the entire spectrum of biological sciences. Specializing in Genetics, Microbiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Botany, Zoology or Ecology provides you with the knowledge to succeed in areas such as medicine, wildlife management, education, neuroscience, environmental science and so much more.
Need to register for a class while your transcripts are being evaluated? Submit an override request form and we'll take a look!
Override Request FormLearn more about our Bachelor of Science degree in Biology here.
Learn more about our Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology here.
Thank you for considering a gift to the MSU Denver Department of Biology!
Your tax-deductible donation will help the Department of Biology continue to provide a quality and competitive education for our students.
Have a question? We can answer it!
Whether you have a question about a prerequisite, need help registering for a course, or you would like to chat about one of our majors, we are here to help. Click below to send us an email!
Email UsPhone: 303-615-0777
Fall/Spring Office Hours:
*Office works remotely
Office Location:
Science Building – Suite 2042 (SI 2042)
Physical Address:
1150 12th St.
Denver, CO 80204